Stargazing Party

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities

Summer is the perfect time to relax and learn outside. Turn a summer night into a community event with a stargazing party! Whether it's in a planetarium or your own backyard, stargazing is a beautiful, fun, educational way to spend an evening with your little learners.


  • ​"Star" snacks, such as Moon Pies, star-shaped cookie, star-shaped ice cubes, and

What to Do:

  1. After a visit to the planetarium, plan a stargazing party.
  2. Invite the children and their parents to school at night.
  3. Ask everyone to bring a lawn chair and wear a bathing suit for moon bathing!
  4. Serve Moon Pies, star-shaped cookies, and Tang with star-shaped ice cubes (you can buy star-shaped trays).
  5. Sit back in your lawn chairs and enjoy the night sky!

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