Pictures of two or three insects divided up into three sections Glue
Construction paper
1. Make a sketch of two or three insects, approximately 3" x 6" (7.
5 cm x 15 cm). A fly, an ant and a butterfly work well.
2. Cut the insects into three equal rectangles, approximately 3" x 2" (7.
5 cm x 5 cm).
3. Mix the rectangles up and arrange on a separate piece of paper, leaving a little space between each section. You may wish to make a border around each rectangle with a black marker.
4. Make copies of your sheet for each child.
5. Challenge children to cut up the rectangle sections and put the insects back together on a separate piece of construction paper.
6. Provide glue for them to reconstruct the heads, thoraxes and abdomens on their piece of construction paper.
7. While children are working, encourage use of new vocabulary, "thorax" and "abdomen."More to doMore science: Do this same activity, only with arachnids consisting of two body part sections, the cephalothorax and abdomen (try a spider, scorpion, tick). * Examine insects under magnifying glasses and try to find three body parts. * Make a giant paper ant colony on your wall or a real ant colony in a jar.