Camera and film
Flower garden near the playground
Oaktag or tagboard
Hole punch
Yarn or heavy string
1. This is a messy activity, so spread old newspaper over the work area. Ask the
children to put on smocks.
2. Give each child a glass container. Encourage the children to fill their
containers about 1/3 full with colorful rocks or gravel.
3. Help the children use a measuring cup to scoop potting soil into the
container, filling it about another 1/3 full.
4. Show the children how to remove the plants from their plastic containers.
5. Encourage them to arrange the plants in their glass containers any way they
want. They can use their hands to "smoosh" down the potting soil around the
roots. If needed, add a small amount of potting soil to keep the plants in
6. For cleanup, scoop up excess potting soil with the old newspaper.
7. Place the indoor mini-gardens in a sunny window and water them with about
1/4 cup of water about twice a week. The children will need you to remind
them to do this, but they will enjoy watering them.