Heavy cardboard Scissors
Markers, crayons Clear contact paper
Markers Flapjack turners
To make the flapjacks1. Cut 4" (10 cm) diameter circles from heavy cardboard to be the flapjacks. Draw and color a butter pat on one side of the flapjack and leave the other side blank. Cover each flapjack with clear contact paper. Cut 50 flapjacks more for added fun!2. Scatter the flapjacks all over the area to be used. Place some butter side up.
3. Divide your class into two teams. One team is the Butter Team, the other is the Plain Team.
4. Give each player a flapjack turner. (You can find these for pennies at thrift stores and yard sales.) The Butter Team wants all the flapjacks butter-side up, and the Plain Team wants all the flapjacks to be plain-side up.
5. Give the signal and everyone starts flipping the flapjacks with their turners. After a few minutes, give the signal to stop. You can then count how many of each are showing, and determine which team was working faster. Start the game again and see if the slower team can catch up.More to doSnack: Make flapjacks for snack time.