- Large garbage bag
- Autumn leaves
- Sheet or tarp for the floor
- Collect a large bag of autumn leaves.
- Spread a sheet or tarp on the floor and dump the leaves in the center of the sheet.
- Encourage the children to sit in the middle of the leaves and toss them in the air.
- Encourage the children to notice and enjoy the variety of shapes and colors.
1. This is a great game for encouraging children to notice details and also begin
to learn to read maps.
2. Find two large, colorful identical zoo animal pictures. A good source for
pictures is two identical zoo animal calendars. You can make twelve games
from two calendars.
3. Mark each picture exactly the same with
a heavy black marker, creating three
rows of evenly spaced
blocks down and three
across. (This is a good
number for young
children, but adjust the
number of blocks
according to the children's
ability level.)
4. On one of the pictures, label
each block with a letter at
the top and a number on the left
side (see illustration).
5. Laminate the game board for durability.
6. Glue the second picture to a piece of
heavy white paper or cardboard. Draw
identical blocks on the back (white paper)
to match the front picture. On the back of
the picture, label each block with the
appropriate coordinate to match the
first picture (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, and
so on).
7. Cut out each square of the second
picture and leave the first picture
intact. Each square should have a
coordinate on the back of it.