Literacy and Bees

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Learn Every Day About Bugs and Spiders

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Learn Every Day About Bugs and Spiders


bee pattern

beehive pattern

scissors (adult use only)

yellow and tan paper



* Cut several lengths of yarn in lengths between 3' to 5'.
What to Do
1. Talk with the children about spiders, specifically about the webs they live in.
Explain that spiders use their webs both to live in as well as catch food. Ask
the children to describe how they think spiders make their webs.
2. Explain that the children will be making model spider webs today.
3. Set out the materials for the children.
4. Model for the children how to punch holes around the outside edge of a
plate. Help those children who have difficulty with this part of the activity.
5. Help the children knot one end of a length of yarn to one hole, and then
model how to string the yarn through the holes so that a web-form begins
to appear.
6. Observe as the children create their webs. Encourage the children to make
their own unique patterns.
7. When the children's lengths of yarn are almost completely used, help the
children knot a plastic toy spider to the end, and then tie the spider
somewhere on the web.
Teacher - to - Teacher Tip
* Wrap masking tape around the loose end of the yarn to prevent it from
fraying and make it easier for the children to push it through the holes.
Consider the following:
* Do the children understand what uses spiders have for their webs?
* Can the children create their own webs independently?

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