It is highly unlikely that I could have predicted the direction of the children’s interests. To this day I find it improbable that our curriculum that began in September with “all about me” would lead to explorations of where clothes come from, transportation, shoes, the history of clothes, new babies, exploring baby clothes as a way to document our own growth, discovering cotton from the plant to the T-shirt, and spinning lamb’s wool. If I had continued on a path of typical early childhood themes, the children and I would have not have experienced the wonder of my sewing machine, sorting and classifying surprise bags of “stuff” related to clothing, sewing pockets, and so much more. Open yourself to the improbable!
In loving memory of Gryphon House author Leanne Grace, MEd, we are sharing pieces of her inspirational writing every Wednesday. Leanne was the director of professional development at Hildebrandt Learning Centers and a lifelong advocate for early childhood education. She inspired the early childhood community to prepare children as lifelong learners with her ability to find the extraordinary in the ordinary. One person can make a difference, and Leanne did just that. She will be sorely missed.
Anna Wilmoth
Marketer. Publisher. Reporter. Educator. Mother. Runner. Explorer. Anna served as director of marketing for Gryphon House from Oct 2014 - May 2017.