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Preparing Your Child for the First Day of Kindergarten

August 1st, 2016 | 1 min. read

By Anna Wilmoth

Preparing for Kindergarten | Gryphon House

Parents are just as excited and nervous as their little ones when the first day of kindergarten rolls around! Kindergarten readiness is an important part of making the first day of kindergarten a memorable and positive experience for both you and your child. Many preschool teachers will spend some time preparing children for what to expect when they enter kindergarten, but it’s important that you let your child know what they should expect as well. You should go over expectations for school with your child and discuss things like how to follow directions or what it might be like when you both go to meet the teacher.

Talking about these topics with your kindergartener gives them a chance to express to you how they really feel about entering kindergarten. This level of understanding between you and your child will also make the transition from preschooler to kindergartener easier than you thought.

Full of kindergarten curriculum appropriate activities, The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities is a wonderful resource for parents who are unsure of how to make the transition from preschool as easy as possible.

Here is just one of many “first day of kindergarten” activities you can do to prepare your child for this exciting transition!


“Off to Kindergarten” Button


  • Stickers or markers
  • Button-making kit or 3” round cardboard circles
  • Self-adhesive pins

What to do

  1. Attach a sticker with a positive comment on it (“Super Star,” “Way to Go”) on a cardboard circle or button.
  2. Write the child’s name on the front and let the child decorate around his name with star stickers or markers.
  3. Attach a pin on back and a message from you, such as “You are special to me.” The child can wear this the first day of kindergarten, bringing love from preschool to a new school experience.

Author(s)Maureen Murphy, Kathy Charner

Anna Wilmoth

Marketer. Publisher. Reporter. Educator. Mother. Runner. Explorer. Anna served as director of marketing for Gryphon House from Oct 2014 - May 2017.