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Making Exercise Fun for Kids

July 7th, 2016 | 1 min. read

By Anna Wilmoth

Making Exercise Fun for Kids | Gryphon House

With childhood obesity at epidemic levels, physical activity is a crucial part of the development of any young child. Encouraging active play at home is just one way parents can combat childhood obesity and lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle for their children.

Encouraging Physical Activity in Preschoolers, by Steve Sanders, EdD, is a wonderful resource full of fun ways to encourage physical activity in your preschooler. Physical activity can range from playing a sport to playing a simple game. As long as your child is moving, they’re improving their physical wellbeing and developing important motor skills.

Here are some ideas for making exercise fun for your kids.

Ideas for Encouraging Physical Activity at Home

You may wonder what else you can do to help your child be active. Consider these ideas:

  • Be an active role model and have a positive attitude. If children watch you enjoying physical activity, it can foster their participation.
  • Urge children to play actively on the playground or in the background, go for a fast walk, dance to music, or ride a bike. Also encourage them to participate in more vigorous activities such as running, swimming, or playing games that involve kicking, throwing, catching, and striking.
  • Make time to be active as a family - walk to a local park, ride bikes, or walk the dog together.
  • Buy gifts that encourage physical activity, such as balls, bats, and skipping ropes. Have fun helping children develop and practice their skills.
  • Park further away from your destination (whether it is the school, a sports practice or sporting event, or a retail shop), and walk the rest of the way.

Author(s)Steve Sanders, EdD

Anna Wilmoth

Marketer. Publisher. Reporter. Educator. Mother. Runner. Explorer. Anna served as director of marketing for Gryphon House from Oct 2014 - May 2017.