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Lesson Plan Ideas for Fire Prevention Week

September 10th, 2017 | 2 min. read

By Ashleigh Craven

Did you know Fire Prevention Week begins October 8? Take advantage of this annual recognition to create a fire safety week of your own. Share fire prevention tips with your students, and explain how fire safety for kids is an important health issue. Learn Every Day About Social Studies is full of fire safety lesson plans for kindergartens that helps them understand the importance of fire safety.

Try some of these lesson plan ideas to engage your kids in Fire Prevention Week.

Put the Fire OUT!

  • Garden hose
  • Scissors (adult use only)
  • Red construction paper
  • Firefighter costumes
  • Preparations
  • Rinse out the garden hose.
  • Allow time for the hose to dry out completely, and then cut the hose into 24”-36” sections.
  • Create a picture and word label for the box or storage container for the hose sections.
  • Cut out several different-sized fire patterns from the paper.

What to Do

  1. Talk with the children about fire and fire safety. Ask the children if they have ever seen a fire truck in use. Have they seen fire hoses being used?
  2. Talk with the children about how fire trucks hook their hoses up to fire hydrants and spray water to put out fires.
  3. Show the children the hoses, fire cutouts, and firefighter materials.
  4. Invite the children to dress up as firefighters and work together to put out the fires they see.

Teacher-to-Teacher Tip

  • Take children on a field trip to the local firehouse to see the fire trucks, firefighters (in regular clothing and firefighter gear), where firefighters live, what they do while at the firehouse, and to handle an actual fire hose.


Fire Truck Snack

  • Paper plate
  • Graham crackers (1 ½ per truck)
  • Mini-Oreo cookies (wheels)
  • Red frosting
  • Little pretzel sticks
  • Black licorice
  • Cherry


  • Mix red food coloring into white frosting
  • Call a local station and ask if an officer can either visit your school for a fire safety program, or plan a field trip to the fire station.

What to Do

  1. Engage the children in a discussion about fire safety.
  2. Tell the children there will be a visitor from the fire department coming to meet the class.
  3. Before the officer from the fire department comes, work with the children to build edible fire trucks.
  • Place a whole graham cracker on a plate. With a spoon, spread frosting on one side.
  • Put half a graham cracker on top of half of the frosted cracker.
  • Dab frosting on top of the can. Add a cherry for the light.
  • Dab frosting and add mini-Oreo cookies for wheels.
  • On the back of the truck, place two pretzels parallel to each other. Break pretzels and use frosting to stick several smaller pretzels in place.
  • Stick a black licorice stick beside the ladder for a fire hose.

Author(s)Kathy Charner

Ashleigh Craven

Ashleigh Craven has a decade and a half of diverse category experience from agency communications to athletic apparel to automotive to education, developing and executing communication strategies in both traditional and social media. She has supported national product launches and corporate events for the likes of Soffe, Buick, Chevrolet, Wake Forest University , Kaplan, and others. She has an BA from the University of Michigan in English and Communication Studies and an MA from Wake Forest University, where she focused her studies on argumentation and presidential rhetoric and speechwriting. She served as director of marketing for Gryphon House from 2017- 2020.