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3 Reasons Teaching Science to Preschoolers is a Must

September 1st, 2015 | 2 min. read

By Jenna Roby

Easy science experiments for kids are a great way to stimulate activity in the preschool classroom. Kid science experiments offer crucial development across many domains, including math and social-emotional learning. Simple science experiments for kids should be incorporated into every preschool classroom, according to an article from the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

With the increased focus on STEM lessons, Florida educator and center director Beth Rosenthal Davis wrote Hands-On Science and Math: Fun, Fascinating Activities for Young Children.

Below is just one activity from her book. Want more? Click here to read an excerpt and purchase the book!


Map the Magnetic Poles


In this activity, the children will learn about the concepts of attract and repel. They will use a compass to find the north and south poles of the magnet and will investigate to find out that like poles repel and opposite poles attract.



While holding the globe, point out the north and south poles. Explain that the earth has magnetic properties and that a compass aligns itself on the north and south poles of the earth's magnet. Show the compass, and point out the letters N, S, E, and W, explaining that those letters stand for north, south, east, and west. Walk outside, and change your direction as you walk so the children can see the needle on the compass moving. When you are back inside, show a magnet. Explain that the magnet also has a north and south pole.


  1. Hold one side of the magnet to the compass, and see in which direction the needle on the compass is pointing. Then, try the other side of the magnet, so the children can see the needle move.
  2. Write S and N on pieces of masking tape or on sticky dots, and let the children stick them on the appropriate poles of their magnets. Some magnets may have the poles already marked.
  3. Once they have marked both poles of the magnets, explain that like poles will repel, or push away from, each other. Write the word repel on the board, and discuss that it starts with the letter r. This means a south pole of one magnet will push away a south pole of another magnet. Poles that are different or opposite will attract or some together. Write the word attract and point out the first letter of the word.
  4. Give the children a chance to practice making their magnets attract and repel. To make it very visual, put one magnet on the table and push it away using the like pole of another magnet.


Find much more in Hands-On Science and Math!

Author(s)Beth Davis

Jenna Roby

A graduate of High Point University, Jenna Roby served as marketing specialist for Gryphon House from 2013-2015.