The Shapes of Trains

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Learn Every Day About Shapes

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Learn Every Day About Shapes


  • small colorful construction paper rectangles and circles
  • large sheets of construction paper (1 per child)
  • pictures of a train engine and a caboose


What to do

1. Show the children the pictures of an engine or caboose. Engage them in a discussion about trains, engines, and cabooses.

2. Ask the children to describe the train cars and their shapes. Describe the rectangular and circular shapes of the wheels and cars.

3. Let children choose paper rectangles and circles from a box to make construction paper trains, including engines and cabooses. Provide help and guidance as needed.


To assess the children's learning, consider the following:

  • Can the child identify the shapes on the train?
  • Can the child create an engine or caboose with the construction paper shapes?


-Karyn F. Everham, Fort Myers, FL

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