An animal that most everyone associates with winter is a penguin! This season is the perfect chance to teach children about the flightless bird while also strengthening skills at every developmental level.
Here is a winter-themed math activity from Daily Preschool Experiences that uses penguins to challenge your preschooler's math skills, no matter what level they are at!
To prepare children for this activity, explain to them that penguins are black and white birds that cannot fly but can swim very well. They spend a lot of their time sitting on ice. Show the children pictures of penguins. Point out that penguins are black on the back and white on the front.
For the Beginning Learner: Counting Penguins
Give each child a cup of "penguins" (dice) and explain that the black dots on the dice are the penguins and the white is a block of ice that the penguins are sitting on. Encourage the children to shake their cup of penguins and pour them on the table. Help the children count how many penguins are sitting on each block of ice. Continue playing untul children lose interest.
For the Developing Learner: Copying Penguins
Give each child a cup of "penguins" (dice). Encourage the chuldren to pour their "penguins" on the table and count the number of penguins (dots) on each block of ice (the die) as described for the beginning learner. Give each child a sheet of light grey paper. Show them how to use a white crayon to draw a square to represent the block of ice (the die) and a black crayon to color the number of penguins (dots on the die) to represent the penguins on each block of ice.
For the Experienced Learner: Ordering Penguins
Give each child a cup of "penguins" as described for the beginning learner. Encourage the children to shake their cup of "penguins" and then toss them onto the table. Have the children to count the number of penguins (dots) on each die and then place the dice in order from most penguins to least number of penguins.