Architecture books rulers markers and crayons pencils drawing paper construction paper tagboard scissors glue
1. Celebrate the birthday of Paul Revere Williams, who was born on February18, 1894. Explain that Paul Revere Williams was a famous African Americanarchitect. Discuss the meaning of the word "architect" (one skilled in the artof building or designing), and show them a book of different types ofarchitectural buildings and designs.
2. Show the children a ruler. Ask them if they know what it is and how it isused. When you finish the discussion, give the children rulers, pencils ormarkers, and drawing paper.
3. Ask them to place the rulers on the paper and draw lines going in manydifferent directions.
4. Before doing this part of the activity, cut out a variety of shapes from multicoloredpaper. Explain to the children that they will be using the differentshapes to design their own building.
5. Give each child a piece of tagboard. Encourage them to choose a few papershapes and glue them to the tagboard to make a building.
6. Encourage the children to write a story about their buildings. Attach the storyto their picture and display.Related poemPaul Revere Williams by Patricia MurchisonPaul R. Williams was an architectNo finer one have we met.Building and construction was his thing,Boy, could he make his pencil sing.With a ruler and pencil in his hand,Paul's buildings became famous throughout the land.