- None
What to do
Following are some tips for managing misbehavior:
1. Address the child directly. Go over to the child and positively state what the child did wrong. Explain why the exhibited behavior is not permissible, and provide appropriate alternatives. For example, "The blocks are for building. Throwing the wooden blocks could hurt someone. If you want to throw something, you may go to the bean bag toss."
2. Remove the child from the situation. Calmly remind the child of your previous conversation and state that the result of his choice to act inappropriately is the loss of privilege. For example, "I explained that throwing wooden blocks is dangerous. Because you chose to continue throwing the blocks, you have to leave the Construction Zone."
3. Keep the child with you. Briefly reflect on the child's choice of behavior and discuss the feelings behind his action. Avoid preaching to the child or talking too much.
4. Let the child decide when to return. Personally escort the child to the chosen activity whether or not it is the same activity where the problem situation occurred. Make the child's transition comfortable by offering suggestions and reinforcing appropriate behavior.
5. If the problem persists, remove the child again. Talk to the child again. Allow the child to return to an activity with teacher assistance when he or she is ready. The child, however, should not return to the problem area for the rest of the day.
-Rebecca McMahen Giles, Mobile, AL
1. Ask the children to wash their hands just before rest time or naptime.
2. Put a small dab of hand lotion in each child's outstretched hands.
3. Encourage them to slowly and gently rub the lotion into their hands. If they
desire, they can also gently massage some into their forearms too. Remind
them to go slower and slower.
4. This activity calms children and helps them relax.