- None
What to do
Author's Note: Each year after spring break, we send our older preschool children to visit the kindergarten class across the hall. We first check with the kindergarten staff to see what time is convenient for their schedule. We then check with families to see if their child will be attending our school for kindergarten and if they are planning on requesting a particular teacher.
1. Take your list of kindergarten-bound children and match them up with parent-requested teachers, so the children become familiar with who they will see the next year.
2. Send children to the kindergarten room in pairs. Try to pair up children who have similar interests so they will get along well.
3. On days that a partner is absent or doesn't want to go to the kindergarten room, allow the other child to pick a new partner. This is when children who aren't attending your school's kindergarten would visit.
4. If this starts in the spring, there should be plenty of time for all of the children to visit.
5. If children visit the kindergarten class and they will not be going to that class, be sure to let them know that they will be going somewhere else for kindergarten.
More to do
General Tips: Plan field trips, parties, or shared playground time with the kindergarten class. Some years you may have more outgoing children and you can take a song (such as Greg and Steve's "Chicken Dance") or a book, or short skit (such as "The Three Little Pigs" or "The Billy Goats Gruff") for the children to share with the kindergarten class.
More General Tips: Also, ask the kindergarten teachers to take "shortcuts" through your classroom when they walk around school. This allows the children to become familiar with the teachers in a secure setting.
-Linda Ford, Sacramento, CA
1. When you have a few moments at circle or group time, create a loving, caring
atmosphere with this activity.
2. Sit on the floor in a circle and start the activity by turning to your left and
saying your name, the child's name, and something nice about the child.
3. Continue until it's time for the next activity or everyone has had a turn. End
with a group hug.