sidewalk chalk
* Use sidewalk chalk to create a 4' x 5', 20-square grid on the playground.
* Print a number between 1 and 10 (or 20) within each square.
What to Do
1. Have the children sit in rows on one side of the grid so the numbers are facing
the children.
2. Invite two children to step onto the grid.
3. Encourage the children to jump to the other side of the grid from square to
square and shout the name of each number as they land in the squares.
Children may jump sideways or forward as they move across the grid.
4. Once a child reaches the other side, he calls the name of a classmate to go
next and then returns to the end of the line.
5. Allow time for the children to have several opportunities to jump and shout
numbers as they cross the grid.
Teacher - to - Teacher Tip
* Use an old window shade or shower curtain and permanent marker to create
an indoor version of this game.
To assess the children's learning, consider the following:
* As the children jump onto numbers and cross the grid, are they able to
identify numbers 1 to 10 (or 20)?
* Can the children write numbers on the playground using chalk?
* Display a variety of large number cards randomly around the playground. Call
out a number. Can the children run to sit near the select number?