- Mrs. Gigglebelly Is Coming for Tea by Donna Guthrie
- lampshade
- shawl
- long skirt
- teapot, teacup, and saucer
- costumes and props for other story characters
What to do
1. Inspire children to read by bringing to life one or more storybook characters as you read to the children. A good example is to dress up like the character in the book Mrs. Gigglebelly Is Coming for Tea by Donna Guthrie. Dress like Mrs. Gigglebelly by putting a lampshade on your head and wear a shawl and long skirt. Carry a teapot, teacup, and saucer.
2. Read the story to the children in costume. Try expressing the type of personality you think the character might have in the story.
3. Dress like storybook characters when you read other books to children.
-Cookie Zingarelli, Columbus, OH