Gryphon House Authors

Renate Zangl, PhD

Written by Admin | Mar 1, 2024 4:42:54 PM

"As a developmental psycholinguist Renate Zangl not only knows her field but also how to convey her advanced understanding to those of us without a doctorate." - The National Parenting Center

Renate Zangl, PhD, is a developmental psycholinguist with a deep interest in how infants and toddlers acquire language and communication skills. She has more than 15 years of experience in research in early language learning and has worked at various research institutions in the United States and Europe, including Stanford University; University of California, San Diego; Graz University, Austria; and Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique, Paris.

Zangl has worked (and played!) for many years with young children when they first start to communicate, understand, and talk, and with bilingual children, children learning a second language in their school years, and children with special needs. Her work has been published in numerous books and peer-reviewed articles in eminent language journals (Language Learning and Development, Infancy, Journal of Cognition and Development, and more), and she has given presentations at national and international conferences.



National Parenting Publications Awards (NAPPA) Gold Award

Mom's Choice Award, Gold

The National Parenting Center Seal of Approval Winner



Q&A Part 1

Q&A Part 2



Watch Dr. Zangl discuss how to encourage language with infants and toddlers with this webinar. Viewers who join our community get a FREE CE certificate!




As a developmental psycholinguist Renate Zangi not only knows her field but also how to convey her advanced understanding to those of us without a doctorate. “Raising a Talker” has an accessible tone with simple instructions broken down into manageable parts: “Skills Fostered,” “Goals,” “Materials,” “What to Do,” “What to Look For” and an end of chapter checklist. Each page has a different exercise. It explains exactly what the exercise is, the goals of the exercise, how to do it, the skills it fosters and the materials you need for the exercise. Parents like that they can grab tips and tools about communicating with their children even if they are different ages. The information and suggestions of how to teach language through play are explained simply and the activities can be done quickly. Zangi understands that parents often don’t have more than a few minutes to read and thus designed the book to give them the ability to flip to any chapter, read a couple pages and put the book down armed with great information. - The National Parenting Center


"Great for new parents to foster communication with their little ones. Clean and easy-to-follow layout. Activities are laid out to explain the skills fostered, goals, materials, and what to look for. This book provides a great resource for parents and can be used by educators as well." - National Parenting Publications Awards

