Gryphon House Authors

Jackie Silberg

Written by Admin | Mar 1, 2024 4:40:17 PM

Jackie Silberg, who had an MS in child development, was an early childhood advocate and popular keynote speaker. She received the Distinguished Alumna Award from Emporia State University, recognizing her long and prolific career. Jackie founded and directed the Jewish Community Center School of Music in Kansas City, Missouri, and worked for Channel 41 television, planning the music and performing her original music for a children's program called "41 Treehouse Lane." She wrote and produced a television show for Time Warner called "Just Kids," which addressed children's needs and interests. Jackie worked as a consultant with the Discovery Channel, setting up their music streaming website. She gave workshops, keynote addresses, seminars, and family concerts throughout the U.S., Canada, Australia, Germany, and in Singapore. Jackie also served as an adjunct instructor at both Emporia State University and the University of Missouri at Kansas City and lectured at Johnson County Community College. She was the owner of Miss Jackie Music Company.

Jackie passed away in March 2015.



300 Three Minute Games

125 Brain Games for Babies, Revised

Games to Play With Babies, Third Edition

125 Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos, Revised

Games to Play With Toddlers, Revised Edition

The Complete Book of Rhymes, Songs, Poems, Fingerplays, and Chants

500 Five Minute Games

125 Brain Games for Babies

Games to Play with Two Year Olds, Revised Edition

Reading Games for Young Children

The Complete Book of Activities, Games, .. For Young Children

Learning Games

The Learning Power of Laughter

125 Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos

Baby Smarts

Go Anywhere Games for Babies

The I Can't Sing Book

Touched By a Song


Q: You have written 16 books for parents and teachers and your books have won numerous awards, from Parent’s Choice Awards to Earlychildhood News Directors’ Choice Awards. Why do you think your books appeal to both parents and educators alike?

A: Parents and educators enjoy my books because they are easy to read, present meaningful activities that are simple and straightforward, and always tell the reader why the activity is important. While some books are really focused only on classroom learning, my books are easily adapted for home use so parents can pick up where school leaves off.


Q: How does brain research play a role in the books you write?

A: Research shows that brain activity creates tiny electrical connections called synapses. The amount of stimulation young children receive has a direct effect on how many synapses will be formed. By repeating experiences and activities, the connections grow stronger and eventually become permanent. I incorporate brain-friendly experiences and activities into my books so children develop strong brain function while they have fun.


Q: Your latest book, Baby Smarts, features games that parents can play with babies without buying expensive toys or props. How are these games helpful for a baby’s growth and development?

A: The games in Baby Smarts develop listening, language, motor, cognitive, and social skills. When babies form loving attachments to adults and have the opportunity and encouragement to explore and experience their environment, they will be prepared for learning throughout their lives. Adults can establish these bonds and provide these experiences with the activities in Baby Smarts.


Q: What is the most common misconception about raising a child today?

A: I think that many adults have unrealistic expectations for their children and expect them to act and think in ways that are not appropriate for their age. There are many great books that can help parents understand where their children should be developmentally while providing activities and games for helping children to reach developmentally appropriate milestones. I hope parents will utilize these resources so their children can build a strong basis for future learning.


Q: You focus on literacy and on helping children succeed and thrive as readers. What are simple techniques that parents and teachers can implement today?

A: Read to your child. Sing to your child. Make up stories using the child’s name in the stories. …and most of all, talk….talk….talk…to your child!


Q: You perform concerts, present workshops for teachers and administrators, and work one-on-one with children in classrooms: all of this when you’re not writing books or recording CDs! Which aspect of your career do find the most rewarding? Why?

A: I find all aspects rewarding. I get a lot of email thanking me for ideas that have helped teachers meet the needs of the children in their classrooms. When I give a concert and the families leave singing and dancing down the aisle, I get great satisfaction. When teachers tell me how meaningful my presentations are, I feel wonderful. As long as I know that I am helping to make the lives of children better, I am totally rewarded.


Q: You have lectured and performed in Singapore, Australia, and Bali. What differences do you see in education and parenting in these countries compared to what you see in the United States?

A: In all of the countries that I have worked in, the basic love and care for children is universal. The methods for teaching are often different; for example, the schools in some countries try to emulate Reggio. Other countries still use worksheets, letters of the week, and more formal methods of teaching. All of the countries that I have visited use music as a way to teach everything. Of course, I agree with that because music is nonjudgmental and gives joy and pleasure to everyone.



“Games to Play with Babies will allow you to interact with your baby as well as teach them valuable skills while having fun.” 

San Diego Family Magazine, on Games to Play with Babies


“Featuring more than 225 simple activities to delight and stimulate children during their first year, this book includes numerous intriguing variations on games and notes on what babies will learn from each game… Any equipment needed is readily available and each game is fun and natural—no flash cards here!”
Birmingham Family Times, on Games to Play with Babies


“Packed with games and illustrations to help nurture your child and build confidence, coordination, and social skills. Makes a great gift for new parents.”
ParentLife, on Games to Play with Toddlers


“Most of us lack the creative energy to come up with loads of new and exciting activities for our toddlers. That’s why I love this book. It’s packed with easy games you can play anytime, anywhere. The games are more than just fun for your child. They are actually designed to enhance the development of your child’s language and motor skills. You’ll have a great time while you lay a strong foundation of learning in your child.”
Christian Parenting Today, on 125 Brain Games for Toddlers and Twos


“From the best-selling author of Games to Play With Babies, Games to Play With Toddlers, and Games to Play With Two Year Olds comes this exciting new book for three to six-year-olds. Arranged by activity: alphabet, animal, birthday, color, counting, drama, guessing, imagination, language, listening, math, music, nursery rhymes, relaxing, rhyming, science, thinking, transition, and weather games. Also includes a skills and terms index. Great for group use!”
—Reviews from Parent Council, on 500 Five Minute Games


“No parent, teacher, or child-care center worker can afford to be without their own personal copy of 300 Three Minute Games!”
Children’s Bookwatch, on 300 Three Minute Games


“Believing that laughter can be an effective teaching tool, Silberg provides more than 300 finger plays, jokes, poems, and activities designed to tickle children’s funny bones while helping them learn. Skills addressed include rhyming, sequencing, motor, socialization, and listening. While some of these activities will be familiar, fresh ideas are found throughout the volume. Directions for each activity are clear and sidebars note the developmental concepts addressed.”
School Library Journal, on The Learning Power of Laughter


“Provides parents and caregivers with over 200 activities that will encourage young children to utilize their senses. The activities explore how the senses are used and how they add enjoyment and leaning to our lives. Recommended for parents or caregivers of young children.”
—Education Station

