Cynthia Gainer

Cynthia Gainer

Cynthia Gainer's creative ideas and illustrations come from her experience as an art and early childhood educator in Pennsylvania's schools. She is an award-winning author and illustrator.

Cynthia Gainer lives in Jeannette, Pennsylvania.



For MathArts: Benjamin Franklin Award, finalist



Praise for MathArts:

"...The activities use a hands-on approach that encourages youths to be actively involved in the processes of learning, discovering, and exploring."

--Science Books & Films


"...Kohl and Gainer provide preschool teachers and parents with dozens of activities to show children that, like beauty, math is all around us if we only look for it."

--Cleveland Daily Banner


"MathArts contains a wealth of easy-to-do, creative art experiments that encourage children's natural development of math concepts... these activities are innovative, adaptable, and very effective!"

--The Midwest Book Review


"This is a great resource for parents and early childhood educators. Over two hundred art activities, including sorting, measuring, graphing, sequencing, and counting, help develop math concepts."

--Reviews from Parent Council


"200 activities explore math through art for ages 3-6--an unusual age range to target and an unusual yet effective approach."

--Children's Bookwatch


"This fabulous oversized guidebook contains 200 activities to help preschoolers explore math through art. As children learn sorting, matching, one-to-one correspondence, and patterning, they're developing essential math concepts. Add counting, measuring, and number values, and preschool math is learned with fun!"

--All Together Now


"Teachers who have the responsibility and pleasure of introducing very young children to mathematics will find many worthwhile activities in MathArts."

--Teaching Children Mathematics


"Contains a wealth of easy-to-do, creative art experiences that encourage children's natural development of math concepts."

--The Parent Paper