Gryphon House Authors

Carol Schlank

Written by Gryphon House | Mar 1, 2024 4:40:26 PM

Carol Hilgartner Schlank (1933-2021) was an educator, author, and activist deeply committed to social justice and known for her kindness and love of children. She graduated from Vassar College and later earned a Master's degree. She devoted her working life to serving children. A specialist in early childhood education, she taught for many years in the Rochester City School District, was active in the Rochester Childfirst Network and the New York Association for the Education of Young Children, and contributed to research on the quality of childcare facilities. With a collaborator, she authored three books for young children about historical figures who worked to build a better world: Martin Luther King, Jr, Rachel Carson, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. She also co-authored a book for educators about fostering gender equity in early childhood programs.