- pictures of different types of weather
- glue
- poster board
- laminator or clear contact paper
- container for cards
What to do
1. Locate pictures of different types of weather. Sources include magazines, catalogs, and the Internet.
2. Glue the weather pictures on poster board. Laminate for durability.
3. Cut around the cards and store in an appropriate container.
4. When you have a few extra moments any time during the day, play the game. Place the cards face down on the floor.
5. Have one child draw a card and act out how he would react in that type of weather, or he may pretend to be the weather. This child is not allowed to talk or give hints.
6. The other children guess the weather from the child's actions.
7. Continue the game until it is time for the next activity, or until all children have had a turn.
-Jackie Wright, Enid, OK
1. Write the name of each child in bold black letters on a piece of poster board.
2. While the children sit at a table, hold up a name. If the child can read his name,
he may put on his jacket, move to the next activity, or do whatever is next.