- Magazines with pictures of pets
- Scissors
- Paper
- Glue
- Markers
- Felt in various colors
- Rickrack and pompoms
- Material scraps
- Tell the children they will be making a group pet book. Encourage them to look through magazines and cut out pictures of a type of pet they would like to have. Ask them to glue the pictures to paper and dictate a couple sentences about the pet. Assemble the pages into a book by stapling them together and adding a cover.
- Cut out a variety of pet shapes from felt (dog, cat, bird, and so on).
- Let the children choose a felt pet and decorate using rickrack, scraps of material, ribbon, and so on.
1. Welcome to the Big Top! Set up your room to look like a circus by hanging
balloons and crepe paper streamers around the room. Encourage children to
dress up and pretend to be different circus acts.
2. Set up a row of chairs and encourage the children to hand in their tickets to
see the circus acts.