Christmas Bell

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for 3-Year-Olds

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for 3-Year-Olds


Small jingle bells, two per child

Thin ribbon


Small clear plastic cups, one per child

Small Christmas stickers


1. Read the book to the children.
2. Later that day, or on another day, get the children's attention by walking
around singing "Five Little Ducks."
3. Say, "We're going to play a game. We're going to act like the three little
ducks in the story. Everyone will follow me and do what I do. Are you ready?
Here we go!"
4. Start leading them around the area by marching, then flapping your arms,
then shaking your head.
5. Then, ask a few of the children to lead. After you have had a few leaders,
drop out of line and let the children play.
6. When appropriate, jump back into the line and lead the children to the large
group circle. Praise each child's activity. For example, say, "I really liked how
you waved your arms (child's name)! And (child's name), you really lifted
your feet high! Just like the little ducks did in the story.
7. Sing "Five Little Ducks" as you lead them to the next activity.
More to do
Pretend to be bears, wild animals, barn animals, cats, or dogs. Or encourage the
children to make up their own animals.

Elevate your lesson planning: Download this easy activity today!

Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.